Day 5
Niihau readers,
Today we are going to work on survival skills.
When you run into a bear in the woods there are 3 steps.
- Stand on your tiptoes put your arms out to make yourself as big as possible, and make a lot of noise📣.
- Curl up in a ball, cover your head and stay as still as you can🙆🏼.
- Never, never, and I repeat for emphasis, NEVER run away💨!
When you need fire in the woods there are 6 steps
- Make a ring of medium stones🦪
- Gather 2 kinds of sticks (all dry) 4 small and 5 large ⎸
- Place small sticks in a teepee form⛺️.
- Using 2 pieces of metal, strike both together aiming sparks at kindling⚡️.
- Place large sticks on fire leaving air space🔥.
- Put the fire out with sand⏳.
When looking for berries in the woods you don’t want to pick the wrong berry, so at the bottom, I will put a picture of the some more common edible berries and their description.
Sha Sha🙏🏼.
I hope you get to see a bear, from a reasonable distance . . . usually they see you first so you don’t get to see them.
Bear parents’ advice to their cubs for what to do when you see a human:
1. Run away into the woods
2. Amble away into the underbrush
3. Scurry away up a tree
4. But, if the human runs away, chase them!